Friday, February 04, 2011

A Test for Uncle Sam

"USA Dont Interfer It's Our Revolt" A Egyptian protester held a sign in the air while the security forces push the encroaching crowd further back to a safer distance. Even though interfere is spelled wrong , you can get the general idea how the people feel and what they want to see happen. Some held signs saying in both Arabic and English "Change the Constitution". This should come to no one as a surprise since the have been ruled with a Iron Fist of "President" Mubarak. The situation in Egypt is seeming just to get bigger and active by each day. What does this mean to the United States? Many people ask. Looking over the events that are unfolding and long history we do have with this current administration of Egypt, I would say we would soil some relations if the United States does act in the nation. Looking at this type of event happening, we would further leave our foot mark in Egypt and the Middle East that is utterly unneeded. We may be affected in some ways as in gas prices,which tells us we need to get our own energy,  and other resources thus hurting our economy, but we must not use force to meet out demands as well. The United States sends a enormous amount of money to that part of the world, around 1.5 billion dollars in aid. Approximatively 86% of that aid is directed towards military.  Over viewing this data I came to the conclusion of what the government can buy with this money:
By Victor Mikhailovsky
You can clearly see what is piece of art work is portraying. What we give to this governments, such as money to military aid, can simply back fire at us in a form of blow-back. As said the in art-work what will happen when people find out that their government is shooting people in the street with either American bullets or got the money from America to get bullets. They would look at us as the enemy. So how do we get our message to Egypt and their government? Cut that 86% of military aid out of the equation and demand reform as quick as possible so that we can avoid these high prices. Not a signal shot will be fired, it just peaceful and reasonable talks. This revolt in Egypt will test if we have a  ability in having a peaceful method in conducting foreign affairs and to reach our goals through other peaceful methods to ensure liberty and freedom will thrive. 

Thank you
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