Vice President Mikhailovsky Wànsuì!
Before beginning I should note that I really am started to fall in love with this Rick Perry. I was originally a Bachmann supporter, but really Perry is winning me over. The man just fills me with an utter sense of joy. If he manages to actually win the primary he will have my vote.
Okay, let us (since you are an active participant in this construction) analyze Rick Perry’s campaign ad “Strong.” I place “Strong” in quotes not because it is a title, but to represent a halo. Now then, this analysis will be a point-by-point attack dissection of the ad in question.

Why should anyone be ashamed to admit they were of any religion? Why Christianity specifically?
Gays were only allowed to openly serve in the military for less than a year at the time of this commercial.[1] It hardly shows some long running current in American policy as suggested by the commercial.
What does the proposition “Gays serve openly in the military” and the proposition “Children cannot pray in school or celebrate Christmas in school” have to do with one another? One describes a countries policy towards sexual orientation and military service, the other describes a countries policy to religion and education. They seem completely unrelated. I could just as easily say “There is something wrong with this country when heterosexuals are allowed to openly serve in the military, yet Santeria practitioners are not allowed to kill chickens at school.” There is no connection between the two ideas. One may be true, the other may be true, but there is no reason for them to be connected.
Children are allowed to pray in school.[2] Teachers cannot lead children in prayer, but as long as a student is not being disruptive students can pray as much or as little as they want (side note: Only for public schools, I have no idea how private schools deal with this). Also, Christmas is a federal holiday.[3] A day celebrating the birth of Christ is one of the few federal holidays. So, I am kind of curious how Christian children are unable to openly celebrate this holiday in school. Is he saying that now-a-days schools try to be more inclusive of other holidays which fall on or near the Winter solstice, or that schools try to emphasize the secular aspects of these holidays? The horrors of respecting the beliefs (or lack thereof) of others؟
How does not allowing prayer in school or allowing the celebration of Christmas (both false claims) equal Obama’s war against religion? Did Obama start this process of secularization? No as far as I know he did not. In fact, to my knowledge Obama has yet to do anything that some religion or another would not support. In fact, this brings up an interesting point. How is a war against Christianity a “war against religion?” Throughout the entire video he emphasizes the horrors inflicted upon a group of people who make up over 70% of the population and over 80% of the Congress (Christians), yet not once does he mention those of other religions.[4][5] Why does he not complain about the status of Muslims being unable to have a federal holiday based off their religion?
This brings us to the finally and most important point ؟ WHY IS THE MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND SO HORRIBLE. I cannot think of more stereotypical “I am a lying politician but am trying to appear concerned” music.
Again, all of this simply makes me support the man more. It takes real talent to be this incompetent (trust me, I know).
I already read your article and gave my opinion on it but I guess it'd be weird if I din't leave some kind of congratulatory comment :) Good Job!
ReplyDeleteThanks Nick!
ReplyDeleteJust learn to make more distinguishable paragraphs when you edit.