Thursday, December 15, 2011

'The Flavor of Decade' The 2012 BOOM and BUST

We heard it through the starting months of the GOP's search for a nominee for president that Congressman Ron Paul R-TX, would not have a chance in any poll, state, or this nation, to get a glimmer of hope of winning the nomination and then the general election. Almost each candidate, excluding Huntsman, Paul and Gary Johnson, have climbed so high in the polls at a point of time that the GOP insiders said it was all over and that 'x' candidate has demolished all the rest.

We seen the rise and fall of Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, and now the starting of the collapse for Newt Gingrich. These people have been labeled as the 'Flavor of the Month' while a uprising candidate to some, has been dubbed the 'Flavor of the Decade'. It is  important to notice that Congressman Paul has been staying consistent in not only his political/voting record but as well as his polling. Congressman Paul has not experienced a 'BOOM' of support such as Rick Perry who climbed to double digits and is now in the single digits.

The same people that said Congressman Paul had no chance before and realize that their 'chosen' candidates have crashed and burned, are now setting their aims on yet another candidate, former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. The former Speaker has jumped onto a wave of support but as his previous colleagues, he is now feeling the pain in keeping it up.  Mr. Gingrich has been steadily losing support in Iowa, a key starting state in the United States, according to this recently done , Public Policy Polling:

Gingrich: 22%
Paul: 21%
Romney: 16%

The support is clearly falling apart.  After all the exposing that took place of Gingrich and his deep history in the political machine of Washington and now his futile efforts to obtain some income to start having a hold in Iowa and New Hampshire. What will last of Gingrich in only a week? Some say, like myself, he will drop even more points pushing out of the '1st' place he briefly held. This leave a large spot for someone to fill,  and it will ignite a long waited fight with Paul and Romney. For now, we will have to wait and how fast the Gingrich campaign is going to crash.

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff! Who do you think will drop out of the race with their tail between their legs first XD?


thanks and continue to read!