Sunday, July 10, 2011

"The Debate of Legalization of Drugs!" Not quite

The Drug Enforcement Administration ruled on Friday that "Marijuana has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States" from a report released from the agency.  In the report they were told to investigate the following:

1) Cannabis has an accepted medical use in the United States;
2) Cannabis is safe for use under medical supervision;
3) Cannabis has an abuse potential lower than schedule I or II drugs; and
4) Cannabis has a dependence liability that is lower than schedule I or II drugs.

Since the DEA has ruled against the favor of many after investigating these comments, many are thinking that the debate of legalization is over. Something the DEA and other agencies need to investigate is the effects of the prohibition of not only Cannabis but all of the current illegal drugs.

Our society has to understand the past, and how past prohibitions have just made crime increase to dangerous levels, infamous gangs to be formed and enormous profit being made. During the alcohol prohibition the government thought the same of illegal drugs and how its important to control it ,in their eyes.  However, towards the end of this prohibition the government also realized that it is impossible to rid the country of all the alcohol and found that a black market was created which resulted in the Mafia and high crime.

What is different today?  Indeed a black market has formed from this and gangs are being formed on the basis of gaining profit from the illegal drug trade. We have to come to the realization that it is impossible to rid this country of these drugs, control the people from using it, and understand that the most harmful gangs were created and still thriving  because of this "Drug War"

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