Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let Libyans Fight For Libya

   Qaddafi's forces are making a final push on key strongholds that are under rebel control.  Beaten and starting to waver, the disorganized rebels in Libya are calling for assistance. Reports coming from outlets such as " Fox News" and "CNN" both report that some Libya Rebels are requesting assistance  from the West; specifically a no-fly zone. What shall the United States do? leave the rebels to fight on their own or fight the war for them?
   Before making a decision, it is important to understand all the background information on this nation, their actions, and the consequences of our own. Some options that are on the table is to place a no-fly zone over Libya. 
No- Fly Zone:  is a territory over which aircraft are not permitted to fly.
   After reading that definition,  how do you think our nation will accomplishment such a action?  By first declaring war through congress and then sending our military personal  to disable all enemy aircraft in the sky as well as threatening ground-forces, since they pose a threat to our aircraft. Many misunderstand, and believe that committing such a act  is not a declaration of war, that no ground forces are needed, that our forces and national security will not be threatened.  The truth is that our nation does need to have a declaration of war, that ground forces may be needed to ensure a no fly-zone will stay in place and our aircraft stay safe, and lastly our forces will face threats and our country once again becomes a target for terrorists.
   Since we have established some consequences for our actions; why does the Libya rebels need us to enforce a no-fly zone? Many reports have clearly shown that Qaddafi's forces have been on the move with their air-power, and it is becoming worse everyday. The Pro-Libyan fighter jets are diving at the streets and strafing all in its sights.  At first, the Libyan forces had a upper hand.  The Anti-Qaddafi forces had the man-power, fire-power, and the land to face off the Qaddafi forces. What caused such a large increase in attacks? Did Libya get new fighter jets or even more? To my knowledge, no such event has occurred from the time the rebellion began till today; something else is happening.
  Videos and pictures ,taken by inter-national journalists, display the Libya rebels  shooting countless amounts of ammunition into the air. There was no enemy there.  The Libyan forces were prematurely celebrating a victory over Qaddafi. Several high ranking officials in the rebel army were yelling at the top of their lungs in futile attempts to order the untrained rebels to cease fire.  The officers understood that they had to preserve ammunition or they would lose, but the majority of others did ponder that fact. To make matters worse several ammunition dumps were destroyed, making the supplies for the rebels even smaller. The rebels were so close in wining their liberty but acted irresponsible and now are paying the price for it.

  After observing the whole issue, the west should come to some conclusions The first is that if this rebel army can not organize and have order in their movement; what makes the group think they can run a country. Secondly, the rebel forces are becoming unstable and we should discuss how a foreign element acting upon that nation could do. Thirdly, why do our young men and women have to risk their lives to bail out the rebel forces that unbelievably destroyed any opportunity of calming victory. The Congress and the President have think long and hard about this  conflict. Simply hearing pleas for help should not seal a deal to do so; we must observe the issue from a safe stand point and from all angles or we will be repeating history here.

Thank you
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1 comment:

thanks and continue to read!